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Restore Manual WD MyCloud

Para hacer un restore manual se deben seguir los siguientes pasos:

Subir el archivo .deb vía SFTP al NAS. (sq-040000-607-20140930.deb)
Renombrarlo a una versión mayor a la que existe.  Para verificar que versión es la actual:


Luego ya renombrado el archivo hacer el update de forma manual:

/usr/local/sbin/updateFirmwareFromFile.sh archivo.deb

Instala, reinicía.  Probar el panel de control en la IP del nas.


Para instalar el nuevo cliente Torrent hacer:

If you proceed further, you are fully aware of the usual WD's warranty void clauses including disclaimer from any damages that may resulted from this guide.

  • Enable SSH on your NAS from the WD DashBoard settings if not done so. SSH to your NAS port 22 using i.e. putty root@wdmycloud.
  • Get the latest Transmission v2.84 Debian package patched for 64K page size memory from my dropbox:
    wget --no-check-certificate dl.dropbox.com/s/qlpws6g99b171qz/transmission_2.84-1_armhf.deb;

  • Install the package. Ignore warnings about missing files! *** If this is a new setup, continue to the next step. Else stop at this step if you already have existing settings, then startup the daemon by running "transmission-daemon". The executable is located at /usr/local/bin/, default config at ~/.config/transmission-daemon/ and default download path at ~/Downloads/. You'll need to realign the settings if they differs from yours.
    dpkg -i transmission_2.84-1_armhf.deb;

  • Create a script called "transmission-stop" in path to easily stop the transmission-daemon (enter all in a single line):
    export i=/usr/local/bin/transmission-stop;echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n\nkill `ps -ef|grep transmission-daemon|awk {"print $2"}`>/dev/null 2>&1'>$i;chmod 775 $i;

  • Create relevant paths so files resides on Public data volume (enter all in a single line). You can skip and do changes from the settings.json file instead.
    mkdir -pm777 /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/blocklists /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/torrents /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/resume ~/.config/transmission-daemon;

  • Create relevant symbolic links so files resides on Public data volume. You can skip and do changes from the settings.json file instead.
    ln -sf /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads ~/;
    ln -sf /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/blocklists ~/.config/transmission-daemon;
    ln -sf /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/torrents ~/.config/transmission-daemon;
    ln -sf /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/resume ~/.config/transmission-daemon;

  • Cycle the daemon once to produce the settings.json file (enter all in a single line):

  • Remove the RPC restriction from the file settings.json to have unrestricted lan logins:
    sed -i 's/"rpc-whitelist-enabled": true,/"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false,/g' ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json;
    sed -i 's/"rpc-whitelist": "",/"rpc-whitelist": "",/g' ~/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json;

  • Create cron job to startup Transmission at boot (enter all in a single line):
    crontab -l>.crontab;echo @reboot /usr/local/bin/transmission-daemon>>.crontab;crontab<.crontab;rm -f .crontab;

  • Launch Transmission then access from the webUi http://wdmycloud:9091/ and enjoy :-)

Para cambiar el directorio de descargas del cliente Torrent:

emon first though.

vi $HOME/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json

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Jailbreack iPhone 3GS con iOS 6.0

  1. Download the IPSW (firmware file) for your device for iOS 6.0 (here's a convenient list of download links).
  2. Open the latest version of redsn0w (Windows download | Mac download), click "Extras", click "Select IPSW", choose the iOS 6.0 IPSW you downloaded, and then click "Back" at the bottom of redsn0w.
  3. Click "Jailbreak".
  4. Make sure Cydia is selected.
  5. Follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode.
  6. Wait for the jailbreak to finish. Close redsn0w.
  7. Open redsn0w 0.9.15b3, click "Extras", click "Select IPSW", and again choose the iOS 6.0 IPSW you downloaded.
  8. Click "Just Boot".
  9. Follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode.
  10. Wait for your device to boot up jailbroken.
  11. Install the "p0sixspwn" untether package from the Telesphoro repository (a default Cydia repo)
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